My Father, My Hero
“ It is a wise father who knows his child.” __Shakespeare
My father has always been my hero, a hero to my cause. For as long as I can remember, no matter what outrageous idea I had come up with, he has truly supported me and tried to help me move forward. From my early interest in art to my college idealism, European adventures and cross-country travels on freight trains to opening my business, I cannot recall a time where he did not offer his complete support, love and guidance. It is a wise father who knows his child and… my father has let me be me.
Generous, gracious and good… these are the words that best describe my father. Anyone who has ever met him, even for a moment, can sense there is something special about him. He is a kind soul, an island of calm in a sometimes difficult and frantic world. To know I can always turn to my dad to share my ideas, thoughts and concerns and receive warm and sound counsel is priceless to me.
The love my father has for my mother may be the most important and beautiful quality he has shared and bestows upon his children, family and friends. To have grown up and experienced a fifty-year love affair between my mother and father will forever give me something to learn from and strive for. It is and continues to be a romance for the ages.
My father is my hero. I love him very much and his life, his love, is imprinted on my life and on the lives of the people he has known. How lucky I am to have been blessed with my father as my father.
Happy 75th Birthday.
Love, your son, Joey