Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Together Again

by Joseph Wahl

together again
to gather once more
i remember
tuesdays, dad, sydneys dinghies and oars
the scent of moist redwood bark and orchids

and now

red summer sails and windswept hair
mom says,” run round the block boys”
siblings’ smiles, cousins’ love
and basking in the bay
swimming to the other side of the cool lake
golden light ,wedding vows and a play

seeing ourselves in our childrens eyes

a sweet communal bwekwast
sailing with jay
smelling summer gardenias on the front porch
making a muscle and a silly face
cooking and mixing with mom
not forgetting to taste

laughing out loud

fresh plums in the pool
linda talking, talking, talking
sunshine, nervous, kirana ,snowball and tootsie roll
new lives are full
running as fast as I can singing, “I’m free”
rolling down honeysuckle hill
finding ourselves in the fort under the tree

primed for life

1 comment:

Candice Burroughs said...

you need to make a book of your poems and publish it. I would treasure it. Your words are beautiful and I can smell and taste the scenes you create.